Mirissa, a coastal jewel in Sri Lanka, unfolds a mesmerizing tableau of marine life and tropical allure. The rhythmic lullaby of waves beckons marine enthusiasts to its azure embrace. Mirissa is a playground for majestic blue whales and playful dolphins – embark on a thrilling boat safari to witness these marine giants gracefully navigating the Indian Ocean. The coral reefs surrounding Mirissa are a kaleidoscope of underwater wonders, hosting vibrant fish and sea turtles. As the sun dips, the shoreline transforms into a serene haven, inviting travelers to relish the harmony of nature. Mirissa, where every tide unveils a marine symphony.

9 Days - 6 Nights
Embark on a 10-day wildlife odyssey through Udawalawe, Yala, Galoya, Wasgamuwa, Minneriya, and Wilpattu. Immerse yourself in the diverse habitats of Sri Lanka, encountering magnificent...
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